
dimanche 10 juin 2012

Everything Everywhere phone sellers to become 'highly trained specialist agents' est une place de marché dédiée aux tuto informatiques en vidéo. Chacun peut y apprendre à utiliser un logiciel ou bien partager ou vendre un savoir-faire informatique. Apprenez pas à pas, à votre rythme et visionnez les vidéos sans limite de temps, parmi un catalogue de plus de 20500 tuto.

AppId is over the quota
Everything Everywhere phone sellers to become 'highly trained specialist agents'It all sounds a bit Men In Black (Orange) doesn't it?

Everything Everywhere, the owner of Orange and T-Mobile in the UK, is retraining its staff to become mobile operating system experts.

The network has formed a new development academy where workers will brush up on their knowledge and become fluent in the Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Windows Phone operating systems.

The £50m investment will result in the education 12,000 high street and call centre staff, so they can help customers who don't know their Apples from their BlackBerrys.

The company said in a press release: "For the first time in the UK, customers will now be able to access highly trained specialist agents who are experts on specific devices and related operating systems, giving customers unrivalled service for their Apple iOS, BlackBerry, Android and Windows phones."

Everything Everywhere says trials resulted in a dramatic increase in the performance of staff and their ability to resolve customer issues at the first point of contact.

The company's Chief Customer Officer Jackie O'Leary says the software makers, manufacturers and customers are all pleased with the introduction of the new regime.

"It is our goal to create the best customer experience in the UK so that customers can trust us with their digital lives," she said.

Via: Press Association